Traffic flow in most urban areas is augmenting due to growth in transport and con-
tinual demand for it, most particularly at unsignalised intersections. To address
this, we developed and analyzed a Microscopic Tra c Flow Model for describing
tra c
ow at those unsignalised intersections that incorporated lane-changing
maneuvers and performed a simulation of the tra c formation. A Microscopic
Tra c
ow model describes the motion of each vehicle by modeling the action
of the vehicles such as the acceleration and deceleration of each driver. A qual-
itative study was done. We proved that intersections can cause tra c jams if
not well managed. To achieve this, the general motors car following model was
used so that the motion of each vehicle was discretely monitored and this dis-
cretization was done using the Forward Finite Di erence Method. The existence
and uniqueness of the results was done by invoking the lipschitz conditions. The
results obtained for example the back-chaining of the leading vehicles behaviour
was replicated in the tra c scenario considered and agreed with what happen in
real world.